Serafina sat listening to the FBI agent asking a thirty year old man suspected of murdering his wife questions and watching his reactions to the questions. Serafina was a psychologist with an expertise on body language and especially micro-expressions. "Tell me Mr. Foster, did you murder your wife?" The FBI agent asked once again, Mr. Foster's mouth and eyes were open, his eyebrows were slightly raised and his nostrils were flared. He looked the FBI agent right in the eye, "No, I did not kill my wife" he said, Serafina noticed he was rubbing his right hand as he said it. She stood up and left the room, the FBI agent soon followed. "He's lying, he killed her. He was showing fear in his facial expression, though it was only a micro-expression, I saw it. His eyes and mouth were open, eyebrows raised, nostrils flared. Also, he looked you right in the eye when answering and put a part of the question in the answer," she said. The agent looked confused, "I thought people avoided making eye contact when they were lying?" he asked pushing his eyebrows together, Serafina held back her smile. "No, that's bullshit, when people are lying they want to see that you believe their lie," another agent handed her a cup of coffee, she smiled thankfully to him. "Once again, thank you very much Miss. Williams" he said shaking her hand, "Your welcome" The agent nodded to some cops standing by with handcuffs, they went into the room and arrested the man.
As she walked out of the building her phone started to ring, "Hello?" she answered, "Hey Ser, you up to a coffee?" her best friend, Vivianne, asked. Serafina smiled, she would die to have to coffee and catch up with Viv, "When am I not? Meet you at Starbucks in fifteen?" they always went to the same Starbucks - it was probably the nicest in New York. "See you then" Vivianne said and hung up.
Starbucks was about twenty minutes walking distance and seeing it was unusually quite today - probably the fine weather, it would take ten minutes driving. She stood at the side of the sidewalk and hailed a cab. For some reason one or more cabs always stopped when she hailed in a matter of seconds. Two stopped this time, she got into the one nearer to her. "Starbucks on 1378 Madison Avenue, please" she said closing the door. Once again her phone went off, but this was a text. 'Hey sweetie, let me set you up on a blind date, love Harlow' Serafina rolled her eyes, her friends were always trying to set her up with a guy, but she thought she wasn't ready to start dating yet. 'I don't think so, sweetie' was her reply. "That'll be forty bucks" the cabbie said in a New Jersey accent, Serafina sighed and handed over forty bucks. "Tip?" the cabbie asked putting out his hand, "A tip? Sure.. here's a tip for you, have a shower!" she said closing the door.
When she got in the door of Starbucks, she saw Vivianne sitting down. "Hey Hun!" she said giving her a hug, "How are you?" Vivianne asked handing her a cup of coffee. "Exhausted!" Serafina replied with a laugh. "So Harlow rang me and said you turned down yet another blind date.." Serafina sighed, her friends have been trying to set her up on a blind date for the past three years. "Come on, he's really nice! Funny, handsome, smart.. he's into politics, charitable and loves all the same music as you!" He sounded her type, smart, funny, handsome, charitable..."Fine!" Serafina said finally giving into her friends.
So far i am liking the introduction to all the players, and the pictures are a great touch. Its always nice to put face with a name. Cant wait to see how you tie everyone together and develop the characters.
ReplyDeleteI agree w/stacey! I can't wait to read how this story is going to go!