"Okay munchkin, this is the plan," Jon said crouching down to Romeo's height, he was going to find out who Stephanie's boyfriend was. "Your going to be sitting up on daddy's shoulders and when you see Stephanie tell me!" Romeo nodded excitedly, he loved going on his daddy's shoulders. Jon picked him up and put him on his shoulders and started to walk through the massive crowd. He had to admit, Stephanie sure knew how to throw a party, Jon had been to a lot of parities before but this is one of the best he had been to, if it wasn't his daughters he would probably enjoy himself more.
Romeo kicked Jon hard in the chest. Jon grunted slightly, Romeo sure had a hard kick. Jon got him down and held him up, "I see Jesse!" he said with a smile. "Thanks munchkin, but we're looking for Stephanie, not Jesse," Jon said and put him back on his shoulders.
Christian sat at the bar, he felt a lot of eyes on him. He looked around the room and there was a lot of girls looking at him. They were smiling and winking at him. Christian tried to hold back the laughter, some of the girls couldn't be any older than fifteen. A long legged brunette walked up to him, she looked much older than any of the other girls, twenty maybe. She sat next to him and rested her chin on the back of her hand. "Hello" Christian said leaning up on the bar. "Hi" she said smiling and looking into his eyes. She stroked his cheek with her index finger, "Want to dance with me?" she said slightly biting her lip. Christian had a feeling that he would be doing A LOT more than dancing with her this evening, especially after a few drinks.
Jesse and Dakota were sitting down in a dark corner of the room. "This party's so cool!" Dakota said, Jesse squeezed her hand a bit tighter. She looked at Jesse and he leaned in and kissed her. Dakota was the one to break off from the kiss, "How about we just dance?" she asked standing up and pulling him to the dance floor. Jesse groaned, he hated dancing.
Romeo kicked Jon hard in the chest, for the tenth time. "Stephanie!" he said excitedly, Jon put Romeo on the ground and started dancing with him, going closer to Stephanie. She was dancing with a boy, taller than her with dark curly hair, he was wearing a grey suit. He guessed that was Stephanie's boyfriend. The boy looked familiar but Jon couldn't quite place him. The boy leaned in and kissed Stephanie, Jon went to walk up to him but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked behind him and saw Richie, "Don't, you have to let her grow up" Richie said picking Romeo up, "Come on, let's go get a drink," Jon followed.
Michelle looked around the room to see if there was any guys she could dance with, but they were all Stephanie's age. She sighed and watched Christian dancing with some girl, he looked like he was enjoying himself. "'Chelle Chelle!" she heard a little voice call, she looked around and saw Romeo running towards her. He looked so cute in his little jeans, shirt and shoes. "Hello!" she said picking him up and giving him a hug. "Who is a handsome boy tonight?!" she said to him. He gave her a cheesy grin "MEEE!" he said. "Hey sweetheart," she looked up and saw Richie and her father standing in front of her. She didn't have the best relationship with her father, it was a love hate one. He didn't always approve of what she did, visa versa. "I see you bothered to take some time off to come" she said to him. Jon rolled his eyes, she had never forgiven him for not turning up at her sweet sixteenth, after promising her he would. "How many times must I say sorry?" he asked, "daddy! daddy! daddy! You'll never guess who are here!" Ava said running up to Richie, "Who?" Richie asked looking at Jon for a hint. Jon shrugged. "NICK JONAS! Uncle Jon, can you introduce me to him? Please?" Jon raised an eyebrow, he hadn't a clue who she was talking about. He seemed to be the only one who didn't know who he was. "Oh yeah, he's been with Stephy all evening, just ask Steph to introduce you to him, she won't mind" Michelle said to her. "Will you come with me uncle Jon?" she asked excitedly, Jon looked at Richie, "He's in a band called the Jonas Brothers," Richie told him. "Come on!" Ava said grabbing Jon's hand and pulling him towards Stephanie and Nick.
whats that saying about girls being attracted to boys that remind them of their dad....i guess that is true for Steph. Poor Jon he is so out of the loop...lol. Not knowing the Jonas Brothers or the fact that Steph has a boyfriend and Jesse has a girlfriend. Take a lesson from Richie..its time to pay attention to our family and whats going on around you Jon before its to late.
ReplyDeleteYou know I feel bad when Step brings home a boy that Jon doesn't approve! I can't believe Jon had no clue about the Jonas Brothers & the fact Steph has a boyfriend! The kids are growing up, Jon, pay attn to them like Richie said or you will lose them!
ReplyDeleteIntersting 8 chapters already can't wait to read more!