A week later...
"All the blood tests have come back clear, the rest will be back in about a week, deep down I think it might just be viral. We're putting you on Brufen, it will take a few days to kick in." Dr. Clayton said writing something down on Jon's chart. "So, it's not Lupus?" Jon asked, Michelle had told him all about Lupus. "No, no, it is not Lupus. Your free to go" he said. "Thanks doctor, I really appreciate everything you've done" Jon said shaking Dr. Clayton's hand.
Jon had been in hospital for the past week, he had got blood tests and many other tests done. He had an x - ray and found out he had been constipated for about six months. A female nurse had given him something up his ass and Jon was sure she felt someone touching his 'manhood' and pulling at his 'fur down there' He couldn't wait to get home, today he was going to take it easy at home with the kids and whoever else may be at his house. He might ring Serafina and ask her if she wants to catch a movie or have a bite tomorrow. All the nurses on the ward came to Jon's room to say goodbye, he got a few hugs and a lot of the nurses slipped pieces of paper with their number in his bag or jacket.
He started to slowly hobble out of his room when a nurse came up with a wheelchair. "I'm fine, really" Jon said. "Go on sweetie, it's no trouble. I'm on my break anyway!" the nurse said with a wide grin. Jon sighed and sat into the wheelchair. "Where's your car?" she asked. She was chewing gum loudly and it was really annoying Jon. Jon was about to tell her that he could take it from here but knew she wouldn't take that for an answer. "It's the Lincoln Navigator right there" Jon said pointing to his car. She slowly pushed him over to his car, blabbering on about something that Jon was sure he couldn't care less about. "Like if you don't want to play for the troops that's fine I just think.." Jon looked up at her. "Excuse me?" he said, "I heard that you didn't want to play for the troops that were coming home.." she said again. "I didn't say I didn't want to, I said I couldn't! I have family commitments that day, how about you go leak that to the press. I'll probably read about everything that happened me and supposedly happened me in this hospital in the morning paper tomorrow anyway!" Jon snapped getting out of the wheelchair and getting into the car. The poor nurse looked like she was on the verge of tears when Jon drove away.
Jon was stuck in a mile long tail back. After ten minutes he decided to turn on the radio. The beach boys blasted at top volume, "AH, BA BA BA BA BARBARA ANN!" causing Jon to jump with fright. It was Richie's Beach Boys CD. "Bloody hell, Rich, you crazy motherfucker" Jon said with a laugh switching the CD. It was a CD that Stephanie had made him when she was about ten years old, a mix of all his favorite songs. The first song was 'Rag Doll' by Aerosmith. He turned the volume back up and sang along. "Rag doll, living in a movie, hot tramp, daddy's little cutie, your so fine, they'll never see you leaving by the back door.." he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. "Aw shit.." He said, the traffic had just picked up again. He turned down the volume and got his phone out, he quickly glanced at the number, he didn't recognize it. "Hello?" Jon answered, "Jon it's your mother." he heard Carol say. "Hi, mom, bye, mom" Jon said hanging up and throwing the phone onto the passenger seat.
When Jon got home to his apartment, all his children were there to welcome him home, along with Claire, Matt and his father. "Daddy!" Romeo said running over to Jon, he hugged his leg. "Hey munchkin," Jon said bending down to give him a hug. The only one that didn't welcome him home was, Jake. "So I made an appointment with that Dr. Walker, for Jake" Jon said quietly to his father. Dr. Walker was a child psychiatrist, Jon had made an appointment with him to see Jake, unfortunately it was on the day that he was asked to sing for the troops, his son was more important to him then troops coming home. Jon's friend, George McGee, recommended Dr. Walker to Jon, he had taken his own daughter, Sophie, to see him and apparently did wonders. "My grandson is seeing a shrink?!" John Sr. said, about to freak out.
"You know, I can't imagine you two being married" Stephanie said to Christian and Claire, who were still very good friends. "Three months into the marriage it would be like, hunny I had an affair" Claire said, "Oh, with who?" Christian said looking shocked. "His name was Donald" Claire replied, "Me too!" Christian said pointing to himself. Everyone laughed. "Do you want to fuck me?" Christian asked Claire, "Sorry, I don't do gay guys" Claire replied laughing, "Oh, gosh, that's too bad because I do!" Christian said. They loved making these kind of jokes, it was fun.
Jon,Jon,Jon...You NEVER insult the nurses! Next time you might end up with something more then just a suppository shoved up your gorgeous ass! And nurses are too profecional to hit on patients, also HIPPA prevents any hospital or health personal from "leaking" information to the press. So appologise buddy, or next time you have a prostate issue...we might be just out of the lubricant...