"Mom!" Dakota shouted from her bedroom, Serafina was downstairs and refused to answer her, she had told her a thousand and one times, if she wanted someone, she had to come into the same room and speak to them not shout at them from another room. After five minutes of calling her, Dakota came downstairs. "Mom!" she said a bit fed up, Serafina looked up at her "Yes hunny?" she asked. "Can i borrow your straightener, please?" she asked with a smile, she knew her mom wouldn't let her unless she was polite. "For what?" Serafina asked flicking through her magazine. "Oh, well a girl from school invited me to her sweet sixteen tonight.." she said happily, she had just started at that school, Serafina was delighted that she had made some new friends after her first day. "Of course you can Hun!" she said putting the magazine down and walking up the stairs into her room.
Dakota had transferred to her current school at the very end of the year, she felt so awkward going in on the first day - a new girl in a huge school with gangs... at the very end of the year. "What are you going to wear?" Serafina asked handing her daughter the straightener. Dakota walked into her room and brought out a lovely blue dress and heels. "I like it" Serafina said approving of the outfit.
"So who's birthday is it?" Serafina asked when they were in the car, on their way to drop off Dakota. "Her name's Stephanie, I didn't catch her last name... well it was really her brother, Jesse, that I became friends with and then he got me an invite from Stephanie" she explained. Serafina smiled, "So is Jesse your boyfriend?" Dakota bit her lip and smiled. "No" she lied. Serafina knew she was lying, she always knew when ANYONE was lying but Dakota always forgot that. Dakota's phone beeped - she got a text message. It was from Jesse, 'Hey you at the party yet? Jesse x' Dakota smiled, 'no, moms driving me, think I'm about a block away. See you soon, Kota x' she text back.
Five minutes later they pulled up outside the hotel where the party was taking place. A boy, he looked about fourteen or fifteen, was waiting outside. He was wearing, what looked like, very expensive fitted jeans and a fitted shirt with black and red sneakers. He walked up to the car and opened the door, "Hey Kota, Mrs. Williams" he said with an amazingly white and beautiful smile. "Hello" Serafina said smiling back, "The party should finish about twelve, one at the latest, I promise to get Dakota back safe and sound by the latest one, nice meeting you" Jesse said helping Dakota out of the car. "That's fine Jesse, nice meeting you too" she said as he closed the door. She drove off, Jesse sure was a good catch for Dakota, even though she only met him for a few minutes she could tell he was a charming, handsome young man.
Serafina checked her calls when she got back in home, she had four missed calls and four voice mails. "Hey Ser, Harlow here, okay so I have the date set up, your going to meet him tomorrow night at Apple.. you know the pub? I think your really going to like him, Hun, ring me when you get this." Ah Apple... she knew it all too well, she had had one too many, one - too - manys there. "Hey Serafina, I have a case for you for Monday, just ring me back and tell me if you want it." Of course she would have to say yes to wanting it, Walter never rang up and told her about a case unless he thought that there was no other person for the job. "Serafina, this is your mother, I'm coming to visit you and Dakota next week. See you then." Oh great, her mother was coming to visit, well that should be fun. "Ser! Harlow rang me and told me about your date tomorrow! You must ring me as soon as you get home tomorrow and tell me ALL the details. Okay, love you" Vivianne was always one for all the juicy details.
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