"I can't believe you don't have our mothers cell phone number!" Matt said. It was 2am, Christian was passed out on the sofa, Matt was pretty drunk, Jon was sober, just staying up to keep Matt company. "Why should I have her number? I hate the woman!" Jon said sipping his coffee. "I know but still...what about when their minding the kids?" Matt said getting out his cell to find his mother's number. "Fine, give it me" Jon said getting out his own cell, Matt passed him his phone and Jon put in the number. "There, I put her under 666" Jon said handing the phone back to him. "Let me guess the ring tone, sympathy for the devil?" Matt said laughing, "Good idea!"
Jon was awoken by his phone ringing, the ring tone was Satisfaction. "Serafina" Jon said looking for his phone. He found it, he was sitting on it. "Hello?" Jon answered, he looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 10am, then saw he had fallen asleep on the sofa. "Hey, Frank. I was wondering if you would help me pick out an apartment? Are you working today?" she asked. Jon had to take in what she was saying, it took him a few minutes. "No, I'm.. I'm off today" Jon told her, "I'd be happy to help" he said with a yawn. "Thanks, I'll meet you at your apartment at 12?" she asked, Jon had forgotten that he had told her where he was living. "Yeah, I'll meet you outside the building" Jon said hanging up.
Romeo was sitting on top of Christian, drawing on his face. "Munchkin, you shouldn't do that. Come on, we'll get dressed and go to the diner for breakfast" Jon said picking Romeo up and taking him upstairs. Jon decided to let Romeo decide what he wanted to wear, he could come out with anything on. Jon walked down the hallway, stopping at Stephanie and Jesse's rooms to wake them up. He finally arrived at his room. Something he liked and hated about this apartment, a part from pictures, there was nothing to remind him of Dorothea. She had never lived in this apartment.
He walked into his wardrobe, grabbing the first jeans he saw. A brown long sleeved t-shirt that showed off his amazing body. Jon couldn't stop thinking about Serafina, not since the first time he laid eyes on her. Was it possible he was in love with her? He always got lost in their conversations, hours seemed like minutes. She was beautiful, he always wanted to be with her, he went to sleep thinking about her, he woke up thinking about her, he dreamt about her, every time he heard her name he had butterflies in his stomach... "Oh shit.." Jon cursed, realising he was in love with her. He wondered if he should tell her. He looked in the mirror, "Serafina, I want to grow old with you... No! why would I say that to her? That'd creep me out if someone said it to me, oh wait someone did say it to me, it did creep me out..." Jon really wanted to tell her how he felt, maybe he could write a song? No... he was meant to be a lawyer, a song would blow his cover. "Daddy! I ready!" He heard Romeo call from the door. "Okay, munchkin, I'm coming" Jon said grabbing some sunglasses and going out to Romeo. Stephanie, Jesse, Jake and Michelle were waiting to go. "Get into the car, I have to do something.." Jon said handing Michelle the keys.
Why wont Jnn tell her who he really is? He better before its too late and she gets pissed of because he betrayed her