It was 8:30 pm, Serafina was meant to meet her blind date at 7pm. "Great, I've been stood up.." she said standing up from the table and walking to the bathroom. "I'm not going to cry...I'm not going to cry.." she tried to tell herself. Before she came she didn't think she was looking forward to the date but then she saw an old man giving his wife a single red rose, they kissed and walked down the street holding hands. She wanted to know what it felt like to grow old with the one person you love. She looked in the mirror, tears were rolling down her face. She laughed at herself and began to fix her make up. She took out her cell phone and dialed in Harlow's number "It's over already?! It's only been an hour and a half!" Harlow said answering the phone. "He didn't come" Serafina told her. "Aw hunny! Maybe he's at the bar...go ask some cute guys their names, if he's called Frank then it's him!" Harlow said, she was always the optimistic. Serafina sighed, "Okay, but if he's not there I'll call you and you can come get drunk with me" she said with a laugh.
Jon sat looking at the people around the bar, making up stories of their lives. He needed to get away from all the chaos at home, Jacklyn was very upset with Christian and they started fighting, they were probably still fighting. Jake still wouldn't talk to him, he still believed that his pretend daddy was his father. Stephanie had a boyfriend, even though nearly every teenager her age had a boyfriend or girlfriend, he didn't like it, he didn't want his little girl growing up and the boyfriend happened to be Nick Jonas. He spotted a woman coming out of the bathroom, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She walked to the bar, so gracefully and sat down. Jon decided this was a good time to get another drink, he could have a closer look at the beautiful woman.
"Sorry, I hope you don't mind my asking but what's your name?" the woman asked him. Jon guessed she was a fan wondering if it was really him. He looked at her and realised she really didn't have a clue who he was and he wasn't going to tell her his real name, he decided to use his middle name. "Frank" he answered. She burst out laughing, "I thought you had stood me up!" she said laughing, Jon hadn't a clue what she was on about but decided to go along with it. "Do you want a drink?" he asked, she nodded. "What's your name?" Jon asked handing the barman some money, they started to walk down to Jon's table, "Serafina Williams," she said reaching out her hand for him to shake. Jon shook her hand, "Frank Bon..Sharkey, Frank Sharkey" Jon lied.
Serafina couldn't get over how handsome Frank was, his hair and teeth were just perfect. She looked like a dishcloth next to him, she had never seen a man more good looking than Frank. "So, Frank, what are you interested in?" she asked, Jon couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was too beautiful. "Frank?" she said again, Frank... Frank.. Oh! that's me! Jon thought. "Yes?" he asked not realising how much he was smiling, Serafina laughed a little "What are you interested in?" she asked once again, "Music, politics, charities, I don't know, stuff like that" he said laughing, he had never been asked what he was interested in before. "What about you?" he asked, "Pretty much the same" she said smiling. "Can I show you something?" Jon asked Serafina, she nodded "Sure"
"This is my secret hiding place, only me and three thousand florists know about it" he joked. He had taken her to the flower market, he hated to admit it but he was a sucker for flowers. This place was gorgeous, for a whole mile it was all flowers and nothing but flowers. "This is amazing and the smell!" Serafina said inhaling. Jon smiled and picked up a single red rose and handed it to her. "For the lady" he said and handed the florist more money than the rose was worth.
Wow!!!! How cool is that having a date w/Jon Bon Jovi and not knowing who he is? Priceless!