"Are you keeping some big secret from me?" Serafina said getting dressed. They were sitting on oppisite sides of the bed, backs facing each other. Jon had his white shirt on, he was putting on his socks next. "Serafina, I can explain" he said looking over his shoulder. He stood up and sat next to her. "My name is John Bongiovi, not Frank Sharkey. I'm a rock star, not a lawyer." He told her truthfully. Serafina slapped him across the face.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE... I can't believe you would do that to me!" she said standing up, tears swelling up in her eyes. "I should have known that you were lying! It's my fucking job to know if someone is lying or not!" Jon stood up to try and comfort her but she pushed him away. "Serafina...I don't know why I did it. I shouldn't have done it, I just didn't want you to fall in love with Jon Bon Jovi the rock star, I wanted you to fall in love with, John Bongiovi, the stupid man. And when you asked if I was Frank, I was so happy that you didn't know who I was, I just had to lie. I wanted to tell you. I knew I had to tell you, but I couldn't. I didn't want to ruin what we had." Jon said sitting back down.
Serafina threw her stilleto at him, the heel hit him right in the eye. "You bastard" Jon put a hand over his eye, "I deserved that, Serafina you have to understand why I did it. Do you know how annoying it is going around, in so many different countries, and people you have never met before know your name, come up to you and start talking to you like your best friends?" tears were rolling down his face and Serafinas. Serafina was sitting down on the ground, her back against the wall. Jon came over and sat next to her. "Don't.. don't hate me." He said trying to put an arm around her. Serafina shook his arm off, "Afraid your too late.." Jon felt his heart sink, he couldn't remember the last time he was so sad. "Fine then, I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me. I won't put you through anything like this again. Carry on as though you never met me, never heard of me... it will be like I never existed." Jon said standing up, he looked back at her one final time, tears in his eyes and then left.
Jon hobbled down the hall, wishing he had just told her who he really was when he first met her. Regretting on doing that. Now he would never see her again. He thought about how he felt when Dorothea died...he was extreamly upset. Leaving Serafina... he was numb. He had just lost the love of his life because of his stupididty of lying about how he was.
three months later...
Jon was lying on his sofa staring at the ceiling. Thinking about Serafina. How he hurt her...he still couldn't believe he did what he did. He heard the front door open and then close, Stephanie walked into the room. She was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and one of Jon's old t-shirts. Jon laughed a little "You pull that t-shirt off better than I ever did" he looked at his daughter closely, something was different about her. "Dad, can you help me with a song that I have to sing at school?" she asked, Jon noticed she had a lip ring. "Sure I can, Stephy, when did you get the.." he pointed to his lip. Stephanie touched her piercing, "I got it done yesterday, 'Chelle did it for me" Stephanie said with a shrug. "She did, did she... what's the song?" Jon asked, making a mental note to ring Michelle later. Stephanie handed him a piece of paper, he read it out loud "Tears in Heaven" Jon knew that when he heard Stephanie singing this, tears would come to his eyes. He knew that she'd think about her mother when singing this song and it would be very emotional.
Serafina walked down Grafton Street, her umbrella was up. Every bus she went past had his face plastered on it, every billboard. Every raido station was playing him. She couldn't escape and she knew if she moved back to New York that it would be even worse. "Get your Bon Jovi tickets here!" she heard a man yelling out. He would be coming to Ireland for a month next week, he would be playing in different parts of the country. She was furious that he chose this country to come to out of all the other countries in the world he chose a stupid green little island.
"Hey, miss! Can you come talk to us for a minute?" a man asked, he was holding an RTE micraphone in hand. She walked over to him, "You have won a VIP and the last ticket for Jon Bon Jovi's first night here in Dublin!" he said handing an envelope to her. "You were the five hundreath person to walk by me today, congratulations!" he said shaking her hand. Serafina faked a smile, something she had been doing a lot lately. "Thank you" she said, her voice barely audible. "What's your name?" he asked, his arm around her shoulder, stopping her from running away. "Serafina Williams" she answered staring at the ticket. "Well Serafina, I hope your ready to have the most amazing night of your life, your seats are on the side of the stage and you will have a chance to go on stage with Jon Bon Jovi for four songs!" "Thank you so much!" Serafina faked her excitment and then left. She walked as fast as she could. Did she get these tickets for a reason? Did Frank... Jon and her really belong together?
"I don't think you need any help with it baby girl, that was amazing." Jon told Stephanie truthfully. She was an amazing singer, Jon said he would help her when she's finished school to get a deal but she refused. "I want to get it myself, I don't want a record deal because I'm your daughter. I'm going to earn it the hard way, like everyone else" was her reply. She was very independant. She took after her mother that way. If someone offered that to Jon when he was sevensteen or so he would take it in a heart beat.