Jake and Romeo were both sitting on their grandfathers lap, a knee each. Jon stood at the opposite side of the room, drink in hand, watching them. Wishing that he had a relationship like that with his sons. Jon had taken Jake to see Dr. Walker, he came to the conclusion that Jake had an imaginary father because Jon wasn't around enough. This is why Jon had decided to bring Jake and Romeo with him to Ireland, he would get them a tutor while he was over there. Stephanie and Jesse would be staying with Christian, they would go to school during the week and fly to Ireland for the weekends. They would fly out on Thursday night and go back on Sunday.
"Jon, have you been sleeping well lately?" Carol asked, noticing how tired he looked. "Yes," he lied, he hadn't been sleeping well at all for the past three months, he was having a reoccurring dream about being trapped inside a small room and the walls closing in on him. He would wake up covered in sweat. "Are you sure?" she asked giving him a suspictious eye. "Yes ma'," Jon said walked angerly away.
"Jon? Could you put the sauce on the table for me?" Jackyln asked handing some pasta sauce. "Sure" Jon said taking it, just as he entered the sitting room Carol walked into him the sauce spilled all over Jon. He threw the bowl on the ground, it smashed into pieces. "WILL YOU FUCKING WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING?!" Jon shouted. He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Jon, go upstairs and calm down. I'll clean this up." Jacklyn said softly, the feeling of her warm breath on his neck tickled.
Jon did as Jacklyn said. He went up to his bedroom and slammed the door shut. He took off his sauce covered shirt, balled it up and threw it in a heap on the ground. Then sat on the edge of his bed, face buried in his hands. Deep breaths... in... and out... in... and out... He was tired. Over tired. He needed a long long rest, of course just when he gets a few months off, he makes more work for himself. He knew he had over reacted down there, he was over reacting to a lot of simple things lately, like if Romeo spilled his milk or if Jesse didn't tie his laces. He knew he should go downstairs and apologize to his... mother... but why should he? Did she apologize for Dorothea's death? No. In fact she was totally oblivious to the fact that it was her fault Dorothea had died.
There was a quite knock on the door, Jacklyn walked into the room. Jon looked up at her, she was so beautiful. He was still in love with her though he wasn't sure if it was as a friend or more. Her walk was so graceful, so sexy. She sat down next to him and looked at him for a moment, not saying a word. Jon looked into her icy blue eyes, eyes he had gotten lost in so many times. Jacklyn looked into Jon's steel blue eyes, hoping he was feeling the same way as she was.
"Talk to me, darling." She said in her sexy French accent. He didn't say a word, he leaned in and they slowly locked lips. Slowly, Jon, got on top of her, still kissing, Jacklyn wrapped her arms around around his neck, gripping onto his soft blond hair with her long fingers. "We can't do this" Jacklyn whispered between Jon's kisses. "Why?" Jon finally asked but continued to kiss her. "There are people downstairs waiting for some dinner" Jacklyn said with a laugh. Jon got off of her and sat on the bed next to her and sighed. Jacklyn rubbed her hand up and down his toned arm. She traced his superman tattoo with her finger. Jon smiled a bit, Jacklyn kissed him softly on the lips and then stood up. "We can talk later, put on a shirt and come down" she said with a reassuring smile and then walked out of the room.
After a few minutes Jon stood up and walked over to his wardrobe. He realised his feet were still a bit sore, but manageable. He opened the doors and walked into the wardrobe. He looked around, he had far too many clothes. He went down to the very end of the wardrobe where his oldest clothes were. He picked up a pair of spandex with a crazy pattern on them and cringed. "How the fuck did I wear this shit?" he asked himself, folding them and putting them carefully back into place. Back at his 'newer' clothes he picked out an old favorite red shirt and put it on. Apparently red looked good on him but Jon thought nothing looked good on him. He didn't understand why so many people obsessed over his 'good looks'. As he walked past the dressing table he stopped and picked up the picture of Dorothea and smiled. "I love you baby" he said and kissed the photo.
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