"How are you?" Christian asked, trying to make conversation. Jon hadn't been very talkative for the past three months. For the hour Christian had been there he had just been sitting on the sofa with his arms behind his head staring into space. "Dad. Nick's coming over in a few minutes.." Stephanie said entering the room. Christian looked at her new hair style, shoulder length with a side fringe. "I like it, dad's spaced out again.." Christian told her. "Thanks" she said with a smile. The doorbell rang, Jon groaned. "So our father is alive after all." Christian said with a laugh. Jon gave him a dirty look and walked over to the door behind Stephanie. He was getting sick of Nick, they spent all day in school together, wasn't that enough? Did he really have to come over after school?
"Hey Steph" Nick said with a smile. Jon rolled his eyes. "Jon" Nick said with a polite nod, Jon guessed that Nick knew he didn't like him very much. Stephanie took hold of Nick's hand and they walked towards the kitchen. They sat at the breakfast bar, Jon leaned against the sink, arms crossed over his chest. Nick glanced at Jon nervously then took something out of his pocket. "I got the songs you were asking about" he said handing them to Stephanie. Stephanie gave Jon her 'go away' look but he stayed put. After a while Christian came in, "Hey dad, how about we go watch the game?" he asked pulling him by the elbow. "Jacklyn's coming over to make dinner for everyone, I want him gone by eight. If your upstairs, leave the door opened." Jon warned her and then followed Christian out of the room.
"Mom's coming over?" Christian asked when they sat down. "Yeah, your grandfather and grandmother are coming as well..." Jon said referring to his own parents. "Well that will be fun, won't it?" Christian said sarcastically. "So your going to Dublin.. why exactly?" "Ireland" Jon corrected. "Because I can" Jon said. The truth was that he was going to Ireland to feel closer to Serafina. Richie had told him about a song called, 'Galway Girl'. He was planning to play it when he was there.
"I don't think it's a very good idea to go to Ireland for a month, I mean your meant to be taking it easy for a year or so" Carol said sipping her wine. "Ireland's a relaxing country, Ma, all the people there treat you as a human" Jon said, Carol was really annoying him today. He felt like punching her lights out some times. He heard music coming from upstairs. Michael Jackson. Jon guessed it was Jesse who was playing him, he loved Michael Jackson. He laughed to himself remembering when Jesse was about six and Jon took him to meet Michael and he taught Jesse how to do the moon walk.
The doorbell rang, Jon hopped up quickly and answered the door. It was Jacklyn, "Jacki" Jon greeted her. Jacklyn gave him a hug and walked into the apartment. "This is very nice" she said admiring the apartment. "Mom" Christian said giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Where's your sister?" she asked looking around the room, "Oh she's still at work.." Christian said quietly. Jacklyn looked delighted to hear that, she had finally got herself a job.
"So, Jon, what's this big gathering about?" Jacklyn asked as he got her a drink. "Can't a man just have some family over without there being a reason?" Jon said putting a glass of red wine on the counter top next to her. The music upstairs was gradually getting louder and louder. "I'll be back" Jon said going upstairs.
Jon walked down the hall to Jesse's room, he was right about where the music was coming from. He quietly knocked on the door three times then opened it. Michelle was just about to pierce Jesse's lip. "STOP RIGHT THERE" Jon said in his 'dad voice' Michelle dropped the gun and Jesse jumped. "Michelle, I have to talk to you. Jesse put on some good clothes and get your ass downstairs. Now." Jon ordered throwing a shirt, that was on the dresser next to him, at Jesse. Jesse mumbled something as he walked past Jon. Michelle started to put her things away.
"Michelle, I don't care if he begs, pleads or even blackmails you to pierce his lip, your not to pierce his lip. Stephanie is sixteen, I'd preferred her not to get her lip pierced, but she's old enough to make that decision herself. Jesse is fourteen, he isn't." Jon looked at what she was wearing, ripped jeans and a ripped t-shirt. "Now go put on some decent clothes and get downstairs" Michelle just rolled her eyes at him and walked out of the room.
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