The next morning Serafina opened her door to find a beautiful bouquet of red roses - her favorite, there was an envelope attached. 'Roses are one of the two most perfect things in the world, the other is you. Please come to my show tonight, there are two tickets, one for you and one for Dakota. Love, Jon.' She stared at the note for a moment, trying to decided whether to go or not. She picked up the bouquet and put them on the coffee table, they were already in a vase. "Hunny, we're going to see Bon Jovi tonight." Serafina said smiling - she was looking forward to it, she decided that she would forgive Jon. She wanted to be with him - she loved him.
Jon was delighted to see that Serafina had accepted the flowers. He hoped she would come tonight, he had to let her know how he felt, how he had always felt - he loved her. "Serafina, there's one thing in the world that I'm sure of and that is that you and I are perfect for each other," Jon said to himself in the mirror. When he told her how he felt he wanted it to be special. Jon shook his head, "No... Serafina, every time I see you, my heart skips a step, I get butterflies in my stomach... no, that's not it..."
Serafina was tearing her closet apart looking for the perfect outfit to wear. She tried on several outfits, currently she was wearing a leather mini skirt and off - the - shoulders t-shirt. She winced, "I don't think so..." Then she saw it, the perfect outfit to wear for him, Jon didn't like girls who over-did their hair, make-up and outfit, her favorite old jeans and red t-shirt, red because it was his favorite color. "I thought I was in love with Frank but I was really in love with you, John Bongiovi" she said to her mirror. "No... it doesn't matter who you are, lawyer or rock star, Frank or Jon because I love you, whoever you are... no" she shook her head.
It was the end of the show, Jon still couldn't spot her. His heart sunk, he felt foolish for thinking she would turn up. "This final song is for..." he didn't want to say her name, he didn't want the media to hound her, "my lie detecter" he smiled a little, he knew that, if she was there, she would know who he was talking about. "It's not one of my songs and I'll probably get crucified for ruining it but I'm going to give it a shot, It's called Everything by Michael Buble"
Serafina finally got near the front, she knew he was singing about her. Her heart fluttered. She looked to the side of the stage, she was standing there. That woman he had been kissing out in the hall.
Jon looked down at the crowd and he finally saw her. He smiled at her, then saw she was looking at the side of the stage. He tried to follow what she was looking at, he looked to the side of the stage and saw Jacklyn standing there, smiling at him. He looked back down at Serafina but she was already leaving. He finished the song, took a bow "Thank's for coming guys, see you tomorrow night! Safe home!" he walked over to Jacklyn furiously. He gritted his teeth, "When I say go back home, I mean it. I don't want to see you. I don't want you in a hundred mile radius of me. Now go." Jon walked straight to the car that was waiting to take him back to the hotel.
Jon sat on the floor of his suite, cross legged, talking on the phone to Richie, with his door wide open, staring at Serafina's door. He wasn't going to miss a chance to talk to her. "Yeah, Obie got the kids a nanny...I met him this morning, the kids like him... their staying in the next suite, with him. The show was great, I dedicated my last song to my lie detecter, I spotted her in the crowd, she spotted Jacklyn standing on the side of the stage...she saw Jacklyn and I kissing the other night..." Serafina's door opened, she walked out, she stood looking at Jon. He hung up the phone without saying a word and walked to his doorway.
"Jacklyn and I aren't together, we haven't been for years..." Jon told her. Serafina carefully picked her words. She was going to tell him. "Jon, I..." she couldn't get the words to come out. "Yes?" he prompted her, instead of continuing she turned around and went back into her suite. "I love you.." Jon whispered to the closed door, he also returned to his suite. "I love you.." Serafina said to the bouquet of roses.
Jon lay back on the grass and looked up at the sky. It was dark around him but the sky was lit up with the lights of the city. He let out a long sigh, he needed to get his life back on track. All this drama was physically and mentally draining him. He didn't know if he would be able to do all the shows he planned. He might be too exhausted. He was looking forward to seeing Stephanie and Jesse tomorrow. They loved Ireland, Dorothea and he had educated and brought them to Ireland many many times. Jon heard some foot steps behind him, he sat up and looked behind him. He saw a big shadow then felt something hit him over the head, hard.
What the hell?? Next!!