Thursday, July 30, 2009
Chapter Twenty Seven

Friday, July 24, 2009
Chapter Twenty Six

Monday, July 20, 2009
Chapter Twenty Five

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Chapter Twenty Four

The suite was prefect - two bedrooms, one with a king sized bed, the other with two single beds. A huge bathroom and a kitchen/dining/living room area. Jon was surprised that Romeo was still asleep, he usually didn't sleep this long, but he had stayed awake through the whole flight and the time difference would make him exhausted after all they had lost five hours of their day. He gently lay Romeo in his bed, he took his sneakers off of him and put the duvet over him. "You know Jakey, I think we should all go to bed for a while.." Jon whispered to Jake. Jake nodded slowly, lavender circles were forming under his eyes. "Come on we'll go get you some PJ's out of your suitcase.." Jon said walking out to the his room. Jake followed. "I want to wear my superman ones!" Jake told him getting up onto Jon's bed. Luckily the superman pj's were right at the top. Jon helped Jake change and then tucked him into the bed.
There was a three quite knocks on the door. Jon yawned, bringing tears of tiredness into his eyes, he wiped them away. He got a quick glance of himself in the mirror - he looked like a dead person. There were huge lavender circles under his eyes, he looked pale... he looked exhausted. He was exhausted. He opened the door, he was surprised to see who was standing in front of him. "Hi.. I thought it was going to be Obie or someone at the door..didn't expect to see you." He said to her. She put a hand on his face, "Baby, I've come all the way across the Atlantic ocean..now give me a kiss!" Jacklyn said to him, pulling him into a kiss.
Serafina was listening to the radio in her suite. Bruce Springsteen was on, singing 'Fire' she sighed, she couldn't stop thinking about Jon. Bruce Springsteen reminded her of Jon, maybe because they were both from Jersey. "Dakota, hunny, I'm going down to the bar. I'll be back soon" she called to Dakota who was in her room. The suite was huge, it was perfect for them. They had been staying in this hotel for a long time, they were living there. "OK" Dakota called from her bedroom, the move had been hard on Dakota she had to move away from all her friends and she hadn't made any friends here, yet, Serafina was sure she'd make lots when she went to school.
She grabbed her bag and put it over her shoulder, she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror, she took out her lipstick and put some on, then she fixed her hair. She had been hoping to meet someone.. a guy.. down in the bar, but she hadn't. Well she kept comparing them to Jon, looks wise and personality wise. She opened the door and saw two people kissing. She smiled softly.
Jon heard a door opening across the hall. He opened his eyes out of curiosity and saw her. Their eyes met. He was shocked to see her standing there in front of him but at the same time he had never been happier. He pulled away from the kiss as soon as he realised Serafina was standing in front of him. His jaw dropped with shock of seeing her.
Serafina quickly opened her door and went inside, she leaned against the back of the door for a while. So Jon had moved on. Of course he had moved on...why wouldn't he? He's Jon Bon Jovi! The major rock star... She hadn't seen the woman's,or girl that he was kissing, face but she was sure it would be some gorgeous model and that they were going to get married. She probably only loved Jon Bon Jovi.. the rock star, not John Bongiovi the man. Serafina put a hand up to her face and realised she was crying. She felt so stupid thinking that winning that ticket was a message from God telling her that Jon and her were going to get back together.
"Serafina.." he whispered, looking at her door. "What, baby?" Jacklyn asked rubbing his arm. Jon had forgotten Jacklyn was standing there, "Nothing... how about you go inside, make yourself at home, Jakey and Romeo are asleep." Jon said to her giving her an encouraging push on the back. "Sure, baby, I'll see you soon" she said going in for another kiss. Jon turned his face to the side and turned, what would have been a kiss on the lips, to a kiss on the cheek.
Jon waited for Jacklyn to go in and close the door, then he walked across the hall to Serafina's door. He put a fist up to the door, not sure whether to knock or not. He decided to knock, it wouldn't kill him and he had nothing left to loose. No answer.
Serafina was in her room by now, she was terrified to go out there. She didn't know what to say, she just couldn't face him.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Message from the author...

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Chapter Twenty Three

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty One

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Chapter Twenty

There was a quite knock on the door, Jacklyn walked into the room. Jon looked up at her, she was so beautiful. He was still in love with her though he wasn't sure if it was as a friend or more. Her walk was so graceful, so sexy. She sat down next to him and looked at him for a moment, not saying a word. Jon looked into her icy blue eyes, eyes he had gotten lost in so many times. Jacklyn looked into Jon's steel blue eyes, hoping he was feeling the same way as she was.
"Talk to me, darling." She said in her sexy French accent. He didn't say a word, he leaned in and they slowly locked lips. Slowly, Jon, got on top of her, still kissing, Jacklyn wrapped her arms around around his neck, gripping onto his soft blond hair with her long fingers. "We can't do this" Jacklyn whispered between Jon's kisses. "Why?" Jon finally asked but continued to kiss her. "There are people downstairs waiting for some dinner" Jacklyn said with a laugh. Jon got off of her and sat on the bed next to her and sighed. Jacklyn rubbed her hand up and down his toned arm. She traced his superman tattoo with her finger. Jon smiled a bit, Jacklyn kissed him softly on the lips and then stood up. "We can talk later, put on a shirt and come down" she said with a reassuring smile and then walked out of the room.
After a few minutes Jon stood up and walked over to his wardrobe. He realised his feet were still a bit sore, but manageable. He opened the doors and walked into the wardrobe. He looked around, he had far too many clothes. He went down to the very end of the wardrobe where his oldest clothes were. He picked up a pair of spandex with a crazy pattern on them and cringed. "How the fuck did I wear this shit?" he asked himself, folding them and putting them carefully back into place. Back at his 'newer' clothes he picked out an old favorite red shirt and put it on. Apparently red looked good on him but Jon thought nothing looked good on him. He didn't understand why so many people obsessed over his 'good looks'. As he walked past the dressing table he stopped and picked up the picture of Dorothea and smiled. "I love you baby" he said and kissed the photo.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Chapter Nineteen