Christian sat at his laptop and opened up his e-mails. "You have twenty one new messages" a voice said, as it always did when he logged on. He looked down through them to see which he wanted to open first, mainly girls sent him e-mails - he was quite the flirt, he took after his father through and through. He couldn't be bothered reading those e-mails at that moment. He saw one from his father, "Let me guess, he's back in town for a few days..." Christian said to himself. He opened the e-mail and read it out loud. "Hey Chris, I'm coming back into town tomorrow taking a few months off, so I'll hopefully see you before the week is out. Give my love to your sister and mother for me, Dad.. HA! I'm too good at this!" He said laughing.
Michelle was out in the living room reading 'Breaking Dawn', thanks to Stephanie, she was now obsessed with the Twilight saga. She laughed at the blond jokes Jacob made, though she was naturally blond herself. "'Chelle.." she heard Christian call from his bedroom. She ignored him, she was not going to get him a glass of water, 'He can get the stupid fucking glass of water himself!' she thought.
Christian walked out to the living room, "Dad's back in town, he says he's taking a few months off and will hopefully see us before the week is out," he told her, he couldn't be bothered to tell her he sends his love, he always sent both of them an e-mail saying to send his love to the other. Michelle put her book down and walked into the kitchen, she then spotted an invite to Stephanie's sweet sixteenth for Friday. "Shit! Chris! did you get Steph a birthday present?" She asked, hoping he would say 'Yes' and she could say it was from the two of them. "No..I thought you would" he said truthfully. Michelle rolled her eyes, he always expected HER to get the present! She looked at the clock, it was 4 o'clock, there was still time to go shopping ad get her something, she would do it tomorrow but she was busy with classes. "Come on, we're going to get her a present.." she said grabbing her jacket and handbag. "When you say 'We're'.." Christian said hoping he wouldn't have to go, he knew she'd drag him into clothes stores and he would die of boredom. "Yes, it means both of us!" she said and Christian followed reluctantly.
They sat into Christian's black Arden Range Rover. "You really have to get your own car.. and place" he told her starting the engine and putting the car into drive. Michelle pretended to be hurt by that comment, "Don't you listen to the news? There's a recession going on! I can't get a job.." she said whipping out her phone and texting someone. "I'm going for an interview on Monday" she confessed "anyway I thought you liked having me around?!" she said with a laugh. Christian didn't reply, Michelle always had something to say back to him.
Michelle's phone started to ring, "Hello?" she said answering, "Hey Jess.. mhmm... mhmm...yeah we're going to get her one now... sure we can! Okay see you then!" she said and hung up. Christian looked at her from the corner of his eye, Michelle smiled "Turn around we're picking Jesse up, he's coming to get Stephanie a present too.." she told him. Christian's eyes widened, "I am not driving to New Jersey!" he refused. "No! Their in New York, Tony's took them to get a few things and he's taking them back to Jersey soon.." she told him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Christian sighed and turned the car around to go to collect Jesse.
They drove in silence for a couple of miles, not knowing what to talk about, finally Christian spoke up. "So what you going to get Stephanie?" he asked Jesse, "I don't really know yet, I was hoping you could help me pick out a necklace or something.. Chelle" Michelle turned around slightly to look at him, "Sure!" she said with a smile. "Have you eaten?" Christian asked seeing a sign for McDonald's, Jesse spotted it too, "Yeah but..there's always room for more!" he said smiling. "Yes!" Christian said, remembering how hungry he was. "Guys! We have to get Steph her birthday present!... Okay... but make it quick" she said - she could never say no to junk food.
As they walked to the restaurant they felt someone watching them. Michelle looked around and spotted a bunch of women in their late thirties, early forties whispering excitedly and one had their phone out - it looked like she was taking a picture of them. They heard 'Summer Time' being played really loudly in the car they stood outside. Michelle gave them her 'pissed off' look - something she had inherited from her father, she looked as though she was going to kill them.